Symbol of Hope

Goddess of Rainbow
Messanger of the Gods
Goddess of Oaths and Promises

Throughout the ages, the rainbow has been the symbol of hope, a promise of better things to come. The ancient Greeks personified the rainbow as the Goddess Iris, the favorite handmaiden and messenger of Hera, the Queen of the Gods. Carried by her shimmering wings, Iris travels so swiftly that mortals can see only the trail of her rainbow-colored passage across the sky.
Iris was also portrayed as a beautiful maiden, with golden wings, robes of bright colors and a halo of light around her head. She was the ambassador of the Gods. It was said that Iris leaves Mount Olympus only to deliver messages to mankind who look to her as an adviser and guide, linking her between the worlds of the gods and humanity.
Iris is the daughter of Thaumas, one of the many minor sea gods, and the ocean nymph Electra, an Oceanid. Her sisters are the Harpies, Aello, and Ocypete. She also has a twin sister, Arke, who served as messenger for the Titans in the first war and was thrown into Tartarus with her masters by Zeus (after ripping her wings off). She is married to  Zephyrus, who is the god of the west wind.
Such was her speed; she travels fast as the wind from one corner of the earth to the other, from the depths of the ocean to the underground world. Apart from carrying messages Goddess Iris had many other tasks to perform. One was to deliver a jug of water from the river Styx so to put liars to sleep. Zeus would make the gods swear by the water of the Styx and any god or goddess swearing falsely would lie breathless for a year and then barred for nine years from the gods meetings and feasts.
Though she was sometimes called upon to deliver bad news, Iris was known as a sweet tempered Goddess with no enemies. This gave her an access to the universe and welcome in all corners of the earth and beyond. Iris would lead the souls of the dead women to the Elysian Fields. To honor her, the Greeks would plant purple iris flowers on the graves of the dead. To this day, the Greeks plant irises on women's graves so that Goddess Iris will guide them to their resting places.
Iris not being a mere follower and deliverer of others' messages, her other qualities are gentle strength and communication skills born out of the art of balance. Iris mediates between the poles of good and evil creating balance amid strife. She arrests action and creates harmony. Iris is a bringer of hope and justice through temperance rather than force. It has been said that all the colors of the rainbow blended together create the color white, essence of the Spirit.

The flower iris grows in a variety of colors with a variety of unique aromas; each color of the rainbow has a specific meaning, and together their meanings are magnified:


Orange—Creative Energy


Green—Life, Balance, Nature



Violet—Spiritual Mastery


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