Anniversary of Loving v. Virginia

What is Loving v. Virginia?  Loving v. Virginia is the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that declared unconstitutional any ban on interracial marriage.It’s hard to believe, but it was around 1992 before a majority of Americans supported interracial marriage. That’s crazy!
Also crazy: kids who were born in 1992 are turning 21 this year, which means they're just hitting the world of adult dating. Raised in a climate of tolerance and approval, interracial coupling is simply no big deal to these youngsters.
And on June 12, we’re coming up on the 46th anniversary of Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court case that ended state bans on miscegenation. At the same time, we’re just days away from a Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8, another milestone in the civil rights fight.
So, with interracial couples no big deal, a civil rights milestone nearing the half-century mark and another milestone waiting in the wings, is marriage and equality on everyone’s mind at this year’s Pride?
Well, no, not really. Researchers found some interracial couples at LA Pride in West Hollywood this weekend, and asked them how they’re feeling at this crossroads of history. Mostly, they were happy just to have found each other and to be enjoying a sunny day in the park. The legal ramifications can wait for another time.


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