April's Fool

God of Fire and Mischief

In life there is no paradise without it's serpent, this is also true when it comes to Asgard, the home of the gods. Among them there is one known as the Trickster of the gods, the first Father of lies. He is the change of the gods and mortals alike, his true name is Loki.
In Norse mythology; Loki is the and God of Fire, Change and Tricksters, always mischievous, deceptive, and scheming, and one of the most well-known characters in Norse poetry and saga. As his name is derived from the Germanic root of flame, Loki is believed to have originally been a fire spirit. Loki is a handsome god, but his soul is filled with spite and fickleness. Loki is often getting the gods into trouble with his mischief making, but oft times he gets them out of it with cunning and crafty advice. He is a trickster figure, and, as a shape-shifter, can become different animals at will.

His children that he fathered:
Jormungand, the World serpent and Enemy of Thor

Hel, the Goddess and Ruler of the Underworld (Niflheim)

Fenris the giant wolf

When Odin came to realize that these children were loose in the world, he had them brought to him. Odin had the Midgard serpent thrown into the sea, but the serpent was so vast that it encircled the world and bit his own tail. Odin gave Hel the Kingdom of Niflheim, the Land of the Dead, and gave her power over all those who die of illness and old-age.
Nari and Vali by Sigyn, Loki’s second wife
* But since he could also assume the shape of the opposite sex, he can give birth, and he had a number of other offspring in this way.
His child he gave birth to is Sleipnir
Sleipnir: Allfather Odin's steed

"Loki is Norse God of tricksters, jesters and fools." Loki is somewhat similar to the Chinese mythology’s Monkey King at times. His persona in myth underwent changes over the centuries, Loki, for all his ambiguity, was a positive figure before Christianity took over his tale. 
Loki is known for bringing about chaos and discord, but by challenging the gods, he also brings about change. Without Loki's influence, the gods may become complacent, so Loki does actually serve a worthwhile purpose.

He is currently the Patron of Politicians and Businessmen


  1. I lov eth e story here. but the video will not play. to bead for me. I guess that was April's Fool on my part.



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