Seven Deadly Sin: Wrath

Wrath (Latin, ira), also known as "rage", may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. Wrath, in its purest form, presents with self-destructiveness, violence, and hate that may provoke feuds that can go on for centuries. Wrath may persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. Feelings of anger can manifest in different ways, including impatience, revenge, and vigilantism.

History has plenty examples of wrath.
In many religions, anger is frequently attributed to God or gods. Here is few examples of the divine anger.

Hera is Queen of Heaven and Goddess of Women, Marriage and Childbirth. She is renowned for her jealousy and temper. She persecuted Zeus' many offspring as well as his mistresses. Hera also persecuted Heracles throughout his life, afflicting him with madness. One of the most devastating events in Heracles' life was when she had driven him mad to the point where Heracles had murdered his own sons. But her persecution also set Heracles on the path of glory and everlasting fame.

Poseidon, Lord of the Water and God of the Storms, has some anger management issues. Poseidon is overall a benevolent god even though he shares many characteristics with Zeus including pride, stubbornness, and being temperamental. Sometimes he is super placid and calm, but other times he is about as angry and vengeful as it gets. This personality makes a lot of sense for the Lord of the Water; sometimes its waters are calm, and other times they send waves crashing. If you make Poseidon mad, he won’t hesitate to send storms, floods, and earthquakes out to get you. Like his brother Zeus, Poseidon is a famous womanizer. He is married to the sea goddess, Amphitrite, but that doesn't stop him from sleeping with everybody in sight.
However, he appears to have matured over the centuries to a point where these attributes do not dominate him to the same extent they do Zeus, making him much more reasonable (which is strange because in the myths Poseidon was considered the moodiest of the gods). Poseidon loves and cares for his children and watches over them more than most of the other gods, actively giving them advice, and aiding them indirectly

Ares is God of the War, Violence and Bloodlust. He developed a love of violence that surpassed that of any other Olympian, which made him perfect as the Olympian god of war. Ares is aloof, cruel, proud, rebellious, and violent; an easily angered bully who seems to care only about fighting. Because of this, he is disliked among gods and mortals. Ares is a skilled strategist but his temper makes him tend to focus on strength and his arrogance leads him to underestimate his opponents, allowing clever fighters to get the better of him. He hates being called a coward and is willing to pick fights with people for hell of it. Ares believes any problem can solved through fighting and encourages rebellion and violence above everything. Ares has control over feelings and emotions of war (such as Hate and Rage), and frequently induces them in order to start fights.
As the God of War, Ares would often participate in mortal conflicts, but would often fare poorly in divine contests. He would lend strength to whatever side he favored, but was known to be somewhat fickle and change sides in the middle of a battle. The blessing of Ares is known to give invincibility in battle. He gives his blessing to people who show pure courage (or bloodlust) in the battlefield. Despite his great strength and fighting ability Ares often fared poorly in battles with other supernatural enemies.

The most recognizable of all the Aesir thanks to Marvel, Thor is the God of Thunder and Lightning, a force of unbridled fury as well as a figure of great high spirits. He is the ideal Viking, brave and undefeatable on the battlefield, inexhaustible in the bedroom and good-humored over a few cups of mead. He serves as Odin's right-hand man and is called upon by the Aesir whenever an undesirable needs to be removed or destroyed; evil giant. Carrying the legendary hammer Mjollnir, riding across the skies in his goat-drawn chariot (often accompanied by Loki, his frequent companion), he is larger than life in every possible way.

Skadi was about to go to war against the Aesir, when the gods killed her father. The Aesir made peace with Skadi, only if one of them could make her laugh and that she had a choice of choosing a husband among the Aesir. Loki easily made her laugh, but the choice of husband little more difficult. Skadi had to choose her new husband by his feet. She thought she was choosing beautiful Balder, when he chose the god with beautiful feet. Instead her new husband was Njƶrd (Njord). The marriage did not last long, because Njƶrd preferred to live in the sea, while Skadi preferred her mountain home in Thrymheim, so they divorced. Skadi was later married to another Aesir god, named Ull. Skaldi became a goddess and an Asyniur. Skadi became the goddess of mountain, or of skiing and snowshoes.


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