Seven Deadly Sin: Envy

Green with Envy
Like greed and lust, Envy (Latin, invidia) is characterized by an insatiable desire. Envy is similar to jealousy in that they both feel discontent towards someone’s traits, status, abilities, or rewards. The difference is the envious also desire that entity and covet it.
Judaism and Christianity: Envy can be directly related to the Ten Commandments, specifically "Neither shall you desire... anything that belongs to your neighbor". Dante defined this as "a desire to deprive other men of theirs." In Dante's Purgatory, the punishment for the envious is to have their eyes sewn shut with wire because they have gained sinful pleasure from seeing others brought low. Aquinas described envy as "sorrow for another's good".
Envy is known as one of the most powerful human emotions for its ability to control one as if envy was an entity in itself. Countless men and women have fallen victim to brief periods of intense envy followed by anger which then translates into aggression. One of the most common examples is a woman who is envious of another's beauty, such as in the fairy tale "Snow White," in which the Queen is envious of Snow White's youth and beauty, and seeks to kill the young woman in order to once again be the "fairest of them all."

Here is a tale where envy start a War of the Gods
The oldest religious texts refer to Osiris as the Great God of the Dead, and throughout these texts it is assumed that the reader will understand that he once possessed human form and lived on earth. As the first son of Geb, the original king of Egypt, Osiris inherited the throne when Geb abdicated. At this time the Egyptians were uncivilized. Osiris saw this and was greatly disturbed. Therefore, he went out among the people and taught them the art of agriculture, how to properly worship the gods, and gave them laws to followed. Thoth helped him in many ways by inventing the arts and sciences and giving names to things. Osiris was Egypt's greatest king who ruled through kindness and persuasion. Having civilized Egypt, Osiris traveled to other lands, leaving Isis as his regent, to teach other peoples what he taught the Egyptians.
Seth had been envious of his Brother Osiris' power and popularity for some time. When Osiris decided to travel the world to bring civilization to its people, he made Isis Regent of Egypt instead of Set. This bruised his ego and more fuel to his desire for power. When Seth found out from Nephthys’s midwife that Anubis was Osiris’s son and not his, he snapped. This was the last straw. Set was strong and brave (he was not two-dimensionally "evil") but he had a terrible temper and he vowed to kill his brother and take the power he considered to be rightfully his.
Shortly after Osiris' return to Egypt, in the twenty-eighth year of his reign, on the seventeenth day of the month of Hathor (late September or November), Seth and 72 conspirators murdered him. Set did this by tricking Osiris into stepping into a beautiful box made of cedar, ebony and ivory that he had ordered built to fit only Osiris. Set then sealed it up to become a coffin and threw it into the Nile River. The river carried the box out to sea; it washed up in another country, resting in the upper boughs of a tamarisk tree when the waters receded. As time passed, the branches covered the box, encapsulating the god in his coffin in the trunk of the tree.
In a state of inconsolable grief, Isis tore her robes to shreds and cut off her beautiful black hair. Her sister Nephthys grieve as well. When they finally regained their emotional balance, Isis set out to search for the body of her beloved Osiris so that she might bury him properly.
Meanwhile, he was taken in the growth of the trunk of a shrub of the family Ericaceae (probably a tree heath) the King of Byblos was used as a pillar for his palace. The search took Isis to Phoenicia where she met Queen Astarte. Astarte didn't recognize the goddess and hired her as a nursemaid to the infant prince.
Fond of the young boy, Isis decided to bestow immortality on him. As she was holding the royal infant over the fire as part of the ritual, the Queen entered the room. Seeing her son smoldering in the middle of the fire, Astarte instinctively (but naively) grabbed the child out of the flames, undoing the magic of Isis that would have made her son a god.
When the Queen demanded an explanation, Isis revealed her identity and told Astarte of her quest to recover her husband's body. As she listened to the story, Astarte realized that the body was hidden in the fragrant tree in the center of the palace and told Isis where to find it. Sheltering his broken body in her arms, the goddess Isis carried the body of Osiris back to Egypt for proper burial. There she hid it in the swamps on the delta of the Nile River.
Unfortunately, Set came across the box one night when he was out hunting. Infuriated by this turn of events and determined not to be outdone, he murdered Osiris once again . . . this time hacking his body into 14 pieces and scattering them in different directions knowing that they would be eaten by the crocodiles and other scavenger beasts.
Isis, with the help of her sister Nephthys, Anubis and Thoth, magically located Osiris' body. They found every part of his body, save his dick (it had been eaten by the now-cursed Nile fish). Isis and Anubis magically re-assembled Osiris, created a new penis (bigger than last one) and mummified him (creating the first mummy). She resurrected him long enough to be impregnated by him so that she could give birth to the new king Horus. Assured that having the infant would now relieve Isis' grief, Osiris was free to descend to become the King of the Underworld, ruling over the dead and the sleeping. His spirit, however, frequently returned to be with Isis and the young Horus who both remained under his watchful and loving eye.
Seth of course was not willing to surrender the throne of Egypt to the youthful Horus and thus a tribunal of gods met to decide who the rightful king was.War between Horus and Seth has begun.

Some people are envious of other with

Better body

Bigger equipment

A great love life

A successful career



Be happy with what the Gods given you but you still want what other have. Then better yourself by doing the following:
Going to or back school

Join a gym or exercise and diet to fit you not a fad diet to weight quick.

Manage a better budget

Find a style or look that fit you 

Most important Love yourself and other


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