Seven Deadly Sin: Envy
Green with Envy Like greed and lust, Envy (Latin, invidia) is characterized by an insatiable desire. Envy is similar to jealousy in that they both feel discontent towards someone’s traits, status, abilities, or rewards. The difference is the envious also desire that entity and covet it. Judaism and Christianity: Envy can be directly related to the Ten Commandments, specifically "Neither shall you desire... anything that belongs to your neighbor". Dante defined this as "a desire to deprive other men of theirs." In Dante's Purgatory, the punishment for the envious is to have their eyes sewn shut with wire because they have gained sinful pleasure from seeing others brought low. Aquinas described envy as "sorrow for another's good". Envy is known as one of the most powerful human emotions for its ability to control one as if envy was an entity in itself. Countless men and women have fallen victim to brief periods of intense envy followed by...