Lights of the Heaven Edition I

The Sight of Helios Today is the Beginning of Summer. The Summer Solstice begin at 1:16 pm so I think to honor the Sun at it highest. I have choose to honor Helios today. Helios is the Titan God of the Sun. He is the son of the Titan Hyperion and Titaness Theia and the brother of Eos, Goddess of Dawn and Selene, Mother Moon. By the Oceanid Perse, he became the father of Aeetes: King of Colchis, the Great Enchantress Circe, and Queen Pasiphae of Crete. His other two daughters are Phaethusa and Lampetia. At the end of each night his sister, rosy-fingered Eos rises from her home in the east and, mounted on a chariot, she rides to Olympus to announce the approach of her brother, Helios. Once Helios appears Eos becomes Hemera (Day) and escorts him on his travels across the sky until, becoming Hespera, she announces their safe arrival on the western shores of Ocean. Awaken by the rooster, his sacred animal, he leaves his splendid palace in the far east and dai...