Hear the words of the Witches

Happy Halloween to everybody. Meet the Queen of the Night the Great Goddess Hecate. Myth #1 She is a crone stirring a cauldron, Myth #2 Her people (Witches) are evil. And Myth #3 Hecate and the witches cast evil spells. The truth is Witches are NOT evil nor due they cast spells to hurt people. Hecate is a triple goddess-in-one mean She is the Maiden, Mother, and Crone at once see past, present, and future events. To the Story of Hecate: After the War with the Titans. the Original Olympians punished their enemies the Titans who oppose them to Tartarus. A few Titans, however, were spared from being eternal punish due to the fact they refusal to fight the Original Olympians. Hecate was one of these few Titans. After the war She was able to keep her authority over the earth, sky and sea (although her authority in these realms are inferior to the Olympians especially Zeus's). In the beginning of Greek culture, Hecate was shown as a benevolent goddess associated with earth ...