Roll call of the War Gods

War and strife have never been far from human society. For the ancients, war was a way of life, and its varied expressions and nuances determined a host of patron deities. There’s a misconception among many that functions of gods and goddesses were attributed to a single aspect or purpose. It is true that Gods and Goddesses were known for specific roles that involved their skills, but what's blown out of proportion are stories about a single purpose deity not connecting with other aspects of warfare. Gods and Goddesses have been associated with a specific order for their expertise at a particular craft. This article showcases a list of some of the most powerful Gods and Goddesses of war from world mythology. I invoke these gods to combat Trump's presidency in near future and protect the average citizens from his regime of madness.

Athena is the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare. Her warfare was the tactical warfare that calculated each move carefully with strategic strikes in order to get the job done. Athena represents the nobler aspect of war— courage and self-control she appears on the battlefield beside her chosen warriors. She shows no mercy toward those who anger her, but protects her favorites and suggests ways for them to win fame and fortune. She also became patron goddess of many heroes, providing guidance while acting more like an ideal elder sister. 

Ares is the Greek God of war and Bloodlust; he represented the primal nature of war, its brutality, and its violence. He fought just on instinct and his own rage and personal fury he had, and fought primarily for the sake of fighting.

Mars (Roman) is the Roman God of War and Patron & Father of Rome, and is one of the most commonly worshipped deities in ancient Rome. Because of the nature of Roman society, nearly every healthy patrician male had some connection to the military, so it is logical that Mars was highly revered throughout the Empire.

Bellona is the Roman Goddess of War, closely associated with Mars, the Roman God of War. She is always his companion, although she called his wife, daughter, younger sister, or charioteer but mostly identified for being his twin sister. She is daughter of Jupiter and Juno. She is an important goddess to the Romans, as she also controls the policy of foreign warfare.

Seth is the Egyptian God of deserts, storms, strength, war, chaos, and evil. He is the son of Geb and Nut, as well as the brother of Horus, Isis, Osiris, and Nephthys. Later, Horus would become his nephew and Nephthys would become his wife. 

Sekhmet is the lion goddess and a warrior, the daughter of Ra and the original Eye of Ra, before Bast took over. Her alternate form is Hathor, the goddess of beauty and joy. In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet was originally the warrior goddess of Upper Egypt. She is depicted as a lioness, the fiercest hunter known to the Egyptians. It was said that her breath created the desert. She was seen as the protector of the pharaohs and led them in warfare.

Huitzilopochtli (Aztec) This warrior god of the ancient Aztecs was a sun god and the patron of the city of Tenochtitlan. He battled with Nanahuatzin, an earlier solar god. Huitzilopochtli fought against darkness, and required his worshippers to make regular sacrifices to ensure the sun's survival over the next fifty-two years, which is a significant number in Mesoamerican myths.

The Morrighan (Celtic) is known as a goddess of battle and war. However, there's a bit more to her than this. Also referred to as Morrígu, Morríghan, or Mor-Ríoghain, she is called the "washer at the ford," because if a warrior saw her washing his armor in the stream, it meant he was to die that day. She is the goddess who determines whether or not you walk off the field of battle, or are carried off upon your shield.

The Aesir are the warrior gods who first inhabited Asgard, one of the nine worlds. The first three gods of the race of the Aesir were Odin, Vili and Vé. Odin was the father and leader of the Aesir.
The Aesir stayed forever young by eating the apples of Iðunn, although they could be slain, as it was predicted that nearly all will die at Ragnarok (fate of the gods); this battle at the end of the world is waged between the Aesir, led by Odin and their evil aggressors of fire giants, man eaters and various monsters, led by Loki). Not only will many perish in this apocalyptic conflagration, but almost everything in the universe will be torn asunder. Here is some of Aesir Gods
Thor (Norse) is the Aesir God of Thunder. He is typically portrayed as red-headed and bearded, and carrying Mjolnir, a magical hammer. Depictions of Mjolnir became popular adornment for warriors during the age of the Vikings, and it is still seen today among adherents of some forms of Norse Paganism.

Tyr (pronounced "TEER") is the Norse Aesir warrior and God of courage, law, and trial by combat. He is famous for sacrificing his right hand to keep the Fenris Wolf bound. He was known as Tiwto the Anglo-Saxons, and Tui to continental Germanic tribes. Interestingly, he is portrayed as having only one hand. He appears in the Prose Edda as the son of Odin.


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