Creation Story: Greek Version part II

The First Titanomachy

Hades was very skilled in navigating under the earth, was able to lead them all into Tartarus (through a network of Underworld tunnels). There, imprisoned in the maximum-security zone, surrounded by huge bronze walls, and a lava moat, guarded fierce demons, were the Elder Cyclopes and Hekatonkheires. Their guardian, Kampê, was the most ferocious and fearsome monster in all of Tartarus, and even Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus initially shuddered with horror when they saw the infernal monster for the first time. However, the gods overcame their fear, and were able to sneak in. Zeus managed to talk to the Cyclopes Brontes, and convinced him to forge powerful weapons for him and his siblings behind Kampê's back. The three Elder Cyclopes forged three incredibly powerful weapons: the Master Bolt (for Zeus), the Trident (for Poseidon), and the Helm of Darkness (for Hades). With these new weapons, Zeus destroyed Kampê, and Poseidon shattered the chains of the Elder Cyclopes and Hekatonkheires, releasing them. Afterwards, Hades safely guided his siblings and uncles back out of Tartarus. In return, for their release, all six of their uncles agreed to fight on his side in the upcoming war with the Titans.
Shortly after their return from Tartarus, Hades and his siblings officially declared war on Kronos and the other Titans, which resulted in the terrifying 10-year-long Titanomachy. The Elder Cyclopes soon forged weapons for the goddesses a mighty golden Lotus staff for Hera and a mighty golden sword for Demeter, which these ladies bravely wielded in battle against the Titans. Shortly before the Titanomachy began, Rhea personally visited all of her Titanic nieces and nephews, and convinced all of them (except for General Atlas) to remain neutral in the upcoming conflict. The Titans initially had the upper hand, since they were much more experienced warriors. However, as the years of the War passed, the gods quickly became skilled warriors as well, and with the help of their new extremely powerful weapons, as well as the aid of the Elder Cyclopes and Hekatonkheires, the gods finally prevailed. Hades and Poseidon themselves proved to be a very dangerous and ferocious warrior and greatly contributed to the ultimate downfall of Kronos and his Titanic followers. Hades was greatly feared among all of the Titans due to his terrifying Helm. Many Titans joins the Olympians in the final year of the war.
Styx and her children
Goddess of Magic

Champion of Humanity

God of the Sun

Goddess of the Moon

Goddess of Rainbows and Messenger of the Olympians

While preparing for the final battle of the War, Hades and his siblings ascended to Mount Olympus (the tallest mountain in Greece after Mount Orthys). During the final battle, Zeus used his Master Bolt to shear off the top of Mount Othrys, and hurl Kronos from his Black Throne, defeating the Titan King. Shortly thereafter, the gods invaded the ruins of Mount Orthys, and finally overwhelmed Atlas, Hyperion, Iapetus, Krios, and Koios.

In the aftermath of the battle, the Elder Cyclopes chained up all of the defeated Titans, while the Hekatonkheires forced them to kneel before Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon. Zeus took his father's Scythe, and sliced Kronos into a thousand pieces, before casting him into Tartarus, along with the rest of his followers (except for General Atlas, who was forced to hold the Sky).
However, General, Kronos' second-in-command, had a special punishment in store for him: to hold up the Sky on his own for all of eternity. Hence, the Elder Cyclopes Arges, Brontes, and Steropes constructed a new central supporting column for the Sky on the ruins of Mount Orthys, chained Atlas to it, and forced the weight of the Sky onto his shoulders.

The Age of the Olympians Begin

The gods chose Mount Olympus as their official residence, and the Elder Cyclopes built magnificent palaces there for them all. As a result, the gods started to call themselves the Olympians. Shortly thereafter, Hades had a private meeting with his younger brothers Poseidon and Zeus, and the three mighty sons of Kronos agreed to divide the world between them. Although it was Hades' birthright (as Kronos' firstborn son) to be named his father's successor, he agreed to divide the Titan King's former domain with his brothers. Hades received the Underworld, Poseidon seized the seas and oceans, and Zeus claimed the heavens as his domain. Their sisters divide the earthly among themselves. Demeter control the green earth, Hestia protects homes of humanity and Hera protects families, women and royals, and control fertility and birth of Humanity. Shortly after this division, the three mighty sons of Kronos came to be known as "Power of Three." However, Zeus' authority was recognized as superior to that of his brothers, and Zeus became the King of Mount Olympus and the Olympians.

Unfortunately for Hades, he was greatly feared by all of his siblings, nephews and nieces, and hence, he was rarely visited to Mount Olympus (except for the Winter Solstice, holidays, monthly staff meeting). However, by gaining the Underworld, Hades also gained divine authority over all of the precious metals and jewels under the earth, becoming richer than any other Olympian. He alway get the best musicians, performers, singers to hold concert his palace and the elysium and best sluts eventually. Not a bad trade off.

Poseidon found a nation called Atlantis but centuries later it sank beneath the waves of sea as a punishment from the gods or Zeus's jealous over the Atlanteans' fierce devotion to their chief god, Poseidon, over him. Poseidon had the Elder Cyclopes rebuild Atlantis as his underwater residence for him and transform the Atlanteans to merpeople. As the King of the Seas, Poseidon spent much time with the merfolk, Nereids, and Oceanids.  He was forming truces and alliances with the older sea gods. Most importantly Poseidon was taming the sea of its various monsters and horrors and teaching mankind how to sail, navigate, and fish.

As for Demeter herself, she became the goddess of agriculture and harvest, and would often visit mortals and teach them the necessary skills of agriculture. Demeter often traveled in a golden chariot pulled by two fierce dragons. Shortly thereafter, since Hestia chose to remain an eternal virgin, Zeus and Poseidon tried to marry Demeter. She, however, chose to devote herself to her duties as the Goddess of the Harvest. Demeter also presided over the foremost of the mystery cult at Eleusis which promised its initiates the path to a blessed afterlife thanks to her daughter’s marriage to Hades.

Hera was a beautiful Olympian goddess, and was desired by many gods and Titans. As a result, her mother Rhea decided to send Hera to Oceanus and Tethys. Hera spent a number of happy years with them, away from Mount Olympus. After seeing how stable and loving Oceanus and Tethys' marriage was, Hera decided to strive for a similar one for her. Overall though, she was determined to find a perfect husband for herself.
With the fall of the Titans, the Olympians came to replace them entirely, and mankind developed under them to create Age of Olympians (Western Civilization).


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