Humanity's Heroes I

I want to thank the people uniting together during and after the Hurricane Irene. I dedicated this post to Prometheus. father of humanity
Prometheus is the Titan God of Forethought and Crafty
counsel and Benefactor of Mankind. He is the son of Titan Iapetus and Titaness Themis
or Oceanid Clymene. Among his brothers there are the Titan General Atlas and
Titan of the Past and History, Epimetheus. This means he is the cousin of Lord Zeus
and his siblings. When Zeus and siblings rose against his father, Cronus, and
wanted to become the supreme ruler of the gods, Iapetus and the other Titans
sided with Cronus, but Prometheus the Titan and his brother Epimetheus took
Zeus's side.
He is the benefactor of mankind. According to some,
Prometheus (the "forethought") and his brother Epimetheus (the
"afterthought") had to give different abilities to the animals and to
man. Epimetheus was in charge with abilities to animals and Prometheus was in