Fall Equinox: Ra's fall and the Price for power

It is the beginning of Fall when the darkness of the night increase as the light of day decrease. This remind me of the Egyptian story of Ra and his ascension to the heavens. After sometime, Ra, who while ruling the gods and traveling in the sky with his Eye, Bast and his lieutenant, the chaotic deity Set, became forgetful and senile. Though the gods doubted Ra's capabilities to become their king, none were brave, or clever enough to take the position from him without falling into the influence of Chaos. Then came the goddess Isis, who, with her other sibling were reborn again, were now a couple. Isis, who was cleverer than a million men and knew almost all secrets of the Earth, was impatient of Ra voluntarily retiring, formulated of a way to make her husband, Osiris become the king of gods. So Isis, Goddess of Magic and Motherhood, tricked Ra into telling her his Secret Name. As Ra descended during the night, Isis slipped the snake into his resting place that she had c...